Welcome to (re)flourish, an integrative approach to mental health for women and children.

Get back to feeling like you again

Get back to feeling like you again

You used to feel like you were thriving in life, then feelings of depression or anxiety crept in. Maybe you just haven’t felt like yourself lately; fatigued, moody, anxious, stressed…just UN-happy! You look back and wonder what changed and are unsure how to get back to feeling like yourself again. Or maybe it’s your used-to-be sweet child who is suddenly acting out or fearful and stressed. Through supportive, confidential, and convenient counseling, we’ll get you back there, together.


Integrative Mental Health.

  • Following the approach of functional medicine, we look to target the possible root causes of your mental health symptoms, not just cover them up.

  • We’ll dig into the often forgotten pieces in treating and alleviating mental health symptoms, like food sensitivities, chronic inflammation, or sleep concerns.

It’s your mood, your choice

Maybe you're tired of talking about it and just want action and answers!

  • You can choose to strictly focus on nutrition psycho-education and lifestyle changes to address your emotional health symptoms instead of talk therapy.



Integrative mental health /

Nutritional psychoeducation


In-person sessions available at Forest Drive location in Columbia, SC

Remote services are available throughout South Carolina and Kentucky

Or, from the comfort of your own home

Private and convenient. All you need is a smartphone, tablet, or computer.

Jessica Fox, LPC

“Courage does not always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, ‘I will try again tomorrow’. "

Mary Anne Radmacher

Get started on your journey to (re)flourish your life today.
